instagram account growth tips

Reasons why your Instagram account isn’t growing.

Is your Instagram account not growing? Are you wondering why it seems like you're stuck in a rut, gaining only a few followers a week with little to no engagement on your content? AKA Crickets…

If this is your situation right now, don't worry! There are lots of reasons why this might be happening. But more often than not, it's just because you need to refine a few things. And that's okay—few people know how to navigate the realm of social media right away. It takes practice and patience. 


Okay, we had to start this as our NUMBER 1 point because this is the most important!

We’ve got a secret to tell you: if you're not interacting with people on Instagram, then you're only doing half the work. It's called SOCIAL Media for a reason.

When you're trying to grow your business on Instagram, it's easy to just spend all of your time posting and hoping for the best. But sometimes, the best way to get more engagement and followers is by engaging with other people in your niche and potential customers!

But don't just treat them as stepping stones on your way toward Instagram growth. These connections are essential and will elevate you above all other businesses on the platform.

So how can you get started?

  • Like & comment on other people's content authentically

  • Reply to comments on your content

  • Use call to action on your posts, and let your followers know what you would like them to do next, i.e leave a comment, head to the bio etc.

  • Follow other accounts and engage with these accounts that are of interest to you

There are lots of methods of engagement, but the above is a great place to start.

Engagement is SO important for the Instagram algorithm- but what exactly is the Algorithm?

The Instagram algorithm analyses every piece of content posted to the platform. It takes metadata, hashtags, and ENGAGEMENT metrics into account. Based on this information, it distributes content in a way designed to ensure that users have easy access to what they are most interested in seeing.

In simple terms, the Instagram algorithm cross-references information about the content (posts, Stories, Reels) with information about users (interests and behaviour on the platform) to serve the right content to the right people!

So why is engagement important for the Instagram algorithm?

Let's face it: the Instagram algorithm is biased against accounts that don't regularly engage with their followers. If you want to get noticed, you've got to show those algorithms who is boss and engage! 

After all, Instagram's main aim is to keep you on the app...


We all know that stunning imagery is the main attraction on Instagram, however, what is often overlooked, is the caption! Make no mistake the words you choose to accompany your content have power, and shouldn’t be ignored.

Captions give you the chance to tell a story about your image, create a better relationship with your audience, and cultivate a more loyal following.

A caption may entertain, provide information, or sell a service. This may involve telling an inspiring story, or making a witty joke. The ultimate goal is to engage the viewer on a deeper level.

You can also use it as an opportunity to ask your followers a question or motivate them with a call to action. Whatever it is, it should add to their appreciation of the content. If a caption resonates in the right way, it could bring them back for more!


We know you're trying to get your business out there, and we appreciate the hustle. But sometimes, you can go overboard with self-promotion on Instagram.

The 80/20 rule indicates that 80% of social media posts should be helpful to your audience — meaning, it educates, entertains, inspires or offers a solution to their problems — and only 20% should promote your business.

So use your account to share content that will help others—and get them interested in what you have to offer—rather than just posting pictures of your product/service and telling people how great it is.


Do you want to buy Instagram followers?

No, you REALLY don’t!

You don't want some bot that will unfollow you in three days, and then make your account look like it's been hacked. You want real people—people who are going to engage with your posts.

Your Instagram followers are worthless if they're fake trust us.

Instagram is a social media platform built on engagement, meaning you need to interact with your followers. The only way for them to see what you're posting is if they follow you in the first place. And the only way for them to want to follow you is if they know who you are and what you're about.

If you buy fake Instagram followers, you'll end up making yourself look like an amateur without any real following or engagement. It's not just a waste of time and money; it's also a waste of all the potential relationships that could have been cultivated if your account had been left alone.

Plus, the algorithm can tell when someone has bought followers. If they catch you buying fake followers, they can delete your account—and all of those "followers" will disappear along with it!


Instagram stories are one of the best features Instagram has to offer, but if you’re not seeing the growth you expect, it might be because you’re not maximising its full potential.

Instagram Stories are a great way to connect with your audience and build up trust over time. They can help you engage with your followers and get more people talking about your business.

Stories are the perfect place to show off your business’s personality and brand, and they offer a chance for users to get to know you even better.

They allow your business to get creative with content. You can post videos and photos that are more than just a picture or a caption. You can add stickers, filters, text overlays, and more. As a result, they make it easy for businesses to express themselves uniquely—and that’s why they’re such an important tool!

Instagram Stories also give customers a chance to get familiar with your company’s culture by sharing behind-the-scenes action shots and sneak peeks at upcoming events. This is especially helpful because it helps build trust between you and your customers by letting them see what goes on behind the scenes before they buy something from you. It also shows them that the people behind the brand are real people who care about what they do—not just numbers on an invoice receipt.


If you aren’t using hashtags on Instagram, you might be missing out on a lot of potential eyes on your profile!

Hashtags are like links for your content—they help people find it when they search for certain topics.

That doesn't mean you should load up your captions with as many hashtags as possible! You need to use them strategically: Don't use any hashtags that aren't relevant to your content. People will skip over your posts if they aren't connected to what they searched for. 

Top tip: If you're looking to get some extra love from the locals, try using local hashtags. They can be a great way to build up your local fan base by getting them excited about your product or service.


Inconsistency is a very common one! Maybe you start posting with the best intentions, only to then fall off the wagon! And before you know it you haven't posted in weeks. Instagram favours accounts that are regularly on the platform, and therefore if you are inconsistent with your approach, it won’t push your content. 

Another inconsistency is a disjointed feed. It is important to unify your content with visual themes. Use similar colour schemes, and stick to similar content pillars across your posts to ensure consistency. This will not only attract new followers but will also ensure you have the best brand exposure for your business. Visuals and branding are powerful tools to stay at the forefront of people's minds, when they may need your product or service. 


Before you head off and start posting great visuals, and enticing content, it is very important to consider your Instagram profile bio is optimized. (The top part of your page). You can easily review your bio, and ask yourself:

  • Does it let followers know what your business does?

  • Does it let followers know what kind of content you’re offering on this profile?

  • Does it give followers a compelling reason to click on that bio link?

If it doesn’t do the above, it’s time to redo your profile copy.

A person generally decides if they’re going to follow you or not by having a glance at your profile - in particular your handle, profile picture and bio. If a visitor doesn’t like or engage with them, they’ll continue browsing elsewhere.


It is VITAL to have a strategy for Instagram in 2023. With more noise and competition with every passing year, posting on the fly, without a proper strategy simply won’t work.

Not only will a plan help with consistency, but it will also ensure that you stay authentic and true to your brand whilst maximizing your brand presence and opportunities on the platform.

A great way to begin your strategy is to ask yourself:

  • Why are you on Instagram?

  • Who are your ideal customers?

  • What type of content will you post? 

There is a lot that goes into a strategy, but you don't need to overcomplicate it, to begin with.


No one is you, and no one can imitate you, so don’t be like everyone else! You are the main asset that you have on Instagram, so make sure you show it. Don’t be afraid to show your face, be confident and let your followers get to know you. People buy from people. 

It is important to consider how unique/valuable/interesting is your account in comparison to other similar accounts within your content niche. The more differentiated your account is, the higher the likelihood of it rapidly growing an engaged and authentic audience.


The newest Instagram features offer a lot of opportunities for creativity and individuality, and naturally, Instagram will always push its latest features!

It is important to stay up to date with these, and ensure you are utilising them to be favoured on the platform and as a result, grow your following and engagement.

Before you go away and look at the latest features, always remember to test what will work best with your audience before putting all your eggs in one basket! For example, some accounts will do especially well with carousels, whereas others with thrive with Reels.


If you're looking to level up your social media game, we have just the thing for you.

Our personalised engagement package is perfect for anyone who wants to take their social media presence to the next level. We'll hit the ground running by brainstorming a strategy that's tailored to you and your brand, then we will action your engagement plan regularly to engage with your audience in a way that's authentic and meaningful.

We'll also set up a schedule of regular check-ins so that you can monitor how things are going and make sure we're staying on track. We want this process to be as transparent as possible, so if you ever have any questions or concerns about what we're doing, we'll be happy to break it down for you.



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