9 Black Friday Marketing Strategies for 2022


Black Friday is right around the corner, and as a business owner that creates a fantastic marketing opportunity. If you're looking to take advantage of one of the busiest times of the year, here are nine ways that will help bring in new customers and keep them coming back for more:

Incorporate social media marketing

Social media is a hugely popular marketing channel, and it's important to take advantage of the opportunity. Social media companies like Instagram and Snapchat have begun testing out ways in which users can purchase products from their accounts. These platforms have been leading the way with in-stream ads that allow users to click through and make purchases without ever leaving their feeds. 

Leverage email marketing.

Email marketing is another strategy you can implement to reach your customers during Black Friday. The good news is that with the right tool, email marketing doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. With a few clicks, you can create an email template and send automatic emails based on specific actions that users take on your website.

For example, if someone adds an item to their cart but doesn't complete the purchase after one week (or whatever period you choose), you could automatically remind them about the product with a discount code of 20%. This will help drive sales and encourage visitors who had previously abandoned their shopping carts or left without buying anything at all!

Optimise your website for shopping

When it comes to Black Friday marketing, your website is one of the most important things to optimise. In fact, Google has made it clear that sites that are optimised for mobile tend to rank higher in search results than those that aren’t.

This means using a responsive design with an eye toward speed - and ease of use is critical. You should also make sure that your checkout process is mobile-friendly so shoppers don’t get lost or frustrated during checkout – this will help keep them from bouncing off your site!

You can also work on getting more traffic from social media platforms by creating posts with high-quality images and text when sharing product information online. This way you can build relationships with customers who may need help finding items at their local store or learn about new products before they get released!

Audit product pages

By pulling up each page and taking stock of the information you have on it, you can see if any changes need to be made. For example, make sure that your product descriptions are detailed enough for users to find what they're looking for and read through them with a critical eye. Your goal is to provide as much info (and even some entertainment) as possible so that when someone clicks "buy," they feel confident in their purchase decision.

Consider optimising for mobile traffic by adjusting content structure and layout so images aren't too small or too large for screens—and consider creating a separate landing page dedicated specifically to mobile shoppers.

Give longtime customers irresistible deals

This is the time to reward your loyalists with more than just an email newsletter sign-up discount code. Give them something they can use right away and will be excited about, like a coupon code or gift card that they can use immediately. Don't forget to add some special offers based on their past purchases.

Provide minimum spend rewards.

Offer a reward for a minimum spend, number of products or items, and/or the number of purchases. You could offer a free gift card or discount to customers who reach the required amount.

For example, if you sell homeware and someone spends £50, you could give them £10 off their next purchase. If they bought two pairs of shoes, maybe you’ll give them an extra 15%. And if they bought three pairs, maybe it would be 20% off their next purchase.

Create a sense of urgency.

If you want to sell more, then creating a sense of urgency is one of the best ways to do it. The key is knowing how much time you have before the deal ends. For example, if your Black Friday special offer is free shipping for all orders over £100, then this should be clearly stated in your advertising so that people know what's on offer and when they need to order by. Likewise, if you're offering 20% off all merchandise on Black Friday only (which has become a popular way to lure people into stores), make sure that's clearly stated in your advertising as well.

Prioritise customer service

Customer service is the backbone of your business. It’s the factor that turns a sale into a long-term customer, but it’s also easy to take for granted if you’re busy with other things. During Black Friday, make sure you are prioritising customer service and making each customer feel valued.

Customer service isn’t just about answering queries and complaints well. It’s also about giving people lots of reasons to stick with your brand when they buy from you. If a customer has a great experience buying from you, they’re likely to recommend you to friends and family. They might even buy more products or services in the future, boosting the lifetime value of the customer of your business.

Follow up with customers after Black Friday.

Now that you've got the customer's attention, it's important to follow up with them. Send a thank you email immediately after Black Friday.

Ask for feedback on what they thought of the experience and how you can improve your service going forward. If they have any ideas for new products or services that aren't currently offered by your company, ask them what it would take for them to purchase from you.

Ask for referrals from those who bought during Black Friday—it's good business practice!

These Black Friday marketing strategies can be used for more than just Black Friday! You can use them to promote other sales and Social Media Holidays throughout the year, or even during regular business hours. Just make sure you test them out first so you know exactly what will work for your brand and budget.

Need a hand with marketing your business? Get in touch with us: hello@reachmarketingandsocial.com




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