How to tell when it's really time for a new website and how to audit your own!

Technology is changing all the time to better, faster and ‘the latest version’. In such a tech-savvy world consumers now expect everything fast and simple at the touch of a button. So it is important to check in with your brand and website to ensure it is still delivering the experience consumers have come to expect.

At least 70% of people now report that they visit a company or a brand’s website as the first step in their consideration journey before visiting a business or making a purchase. This means first impressions count! And your website is very likely to be the first impression of your business.

But how can you really tell when it is time to update your website?

Here are my top things to look for when considering if it’s time for a shiny new website.

If your website is not mobile responsive: Most website traffic is now on mobile devices. So if your website is not optimized for mobile this could create a negative user experience and alienate potential customers. 

Slow loading time: 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.

Another reason your website should be designed with a “mobile-first” mentality: Google ranks mobile page speed as a factor in its search rankings. 

Poor design and readability: If your design, text, images or graphics are not keeping your website, visitors engaged, it may be an indication that your website needs some TLC. 

Bounce rate is high: If your bounce rate (defined as the percentage of people who only visit a single page) is high (generally defined as anything above 70%) it could be a sign that your content strategy on your website needs some improvement.

Time spent on your website is low: Google uses bounce rate and average time spent on your website as indicators of how relevant your content is for the search results you’re trying to rank for. If people who visit your site do not spend a lot of time reading or engaging with your content, Google is not likely to rank your page high in the search results.

Customer complaints: The other day I saw a Facebook ad for a product that piqued my interest. After a couple of days, I gave in and clicked through to make a purchase. The checkout process was so awful that I spent about ten minutes trying to buy the product before I finally gave up. 

Outdated information: Things change in business regularly and often your website can end up with outdated and irrelevant information. However, your website should be kept up to date at all times. 

You can have the most amazing product or service, however, if your website user experience is not great, you could be losing out on a lot of business to your competitors who do provide a good experience.

At Reach, we not only design websites, but also have years of marketing experience, and we approach every project, big or small, with a “strategy and client first” approach. Get in touch to see how we can transform your website and help you connect with your audience through a brand that is unmistakably you.


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