14 marketing tips for the New Year!

Bring in the new year in a perfectly prepped position with your marketing with some of my top marketing tips! The time in between Christmas and New Year can move by in a little bit of a haze, but as more people are generally off work during this time it’s the perfect moment to capture their interest online.

A New Year also sparks a fresh start, and just about anything goes. So if there’s something you’ve wanted to try in your marketing strategy but haven’t got around to it - such as hosting a live event on social media, trialling a new pop up on your website, or writing a blog post, now is the time to do it!

14 of my must-try marketing tips for the New Year:

Say ‘Happy New year’ to your email audience

Some of your subscribers may not have heard from you for a while, so warm them up with some festive well wishes for the new year which may see them come back to you 

Launch a January sale

Keep up with the competition and make sure your sale prices can’t be beaten! Offer a lucrative deal on one of your top packages that customers simply can’t refuse, discount products on certain days or maybe 1 per day and announce what tomorrow’s will be in social stories and email marketing

Work with your suppliers more

See if any of your suppliers would be interested in collaborating with you in the new year, to offer a prize, have them take over your social media, or offer a discount on any of their products

New year - new products/services/offers

Now is the perfect time to promote a new service, product or offer for your business. Capture new customers attention with a strong campaign focusing purely on the new

Launch a competition and create a landing page to collect data

Create a ‘cannot be missed’ competition - either partner with your suppliers, team up with local businesses around you - or offer a free service. But the best part, once they sign up and click to be added to your email marketing list they’ll then become a part of your audience so it’s a win for you too!

Do a roundup of your 2021 highlights

Look back on your year as a business or a professional and see what you’ve been most proud of - don’t be shy to share the not so great parts too, this builds trust with your audience.

Blog about what you hope to achieve in 2022 with your business

New year's resolutions aren’t just for your personal life - you can also manifest some of your dream goals to achieve in 2022 for your business and by sharing them with your audience you’ll be letting them know what’s to come for the year ahead.

Offer a ‘freebie’

If you’re a service-based business you could look at offering a free design for a 2022 calendar, free access to your latest webinar, a free 5-minute head massage with every haircut in January… the list is never-ending and let’s face it, who doesn’t love a freebie?

Offer a VIP sign up to your January sale

Capture keen shoppers with VIP access to your January sale where they’ll get x1 day or a few hours  to shop before it’s launched to the masses.

Start a loyalty program

A great way to reward your already loyal customers is for them to receive either a freebie after their ‘6th’ visit for example or a discount code if their friend shops too.

Get the Birthday dates in your diary

Collect data from your audience by asking via email marketing or in a landing page when their birthday is - lure them in with a special offer on their big day!

Add a pop-up on your website

Build your email marketing audience with a pop-up data capture form on your website which is timed perfectly whilst they’re mid scroll. Detail exactly what they’ll receive by signing up - a discount never goes amiss!

Host a live on your social media

Catch up with your followers and show a little bit of your own personality and the face behind the brand. It can be quite a quiet time in between Christmas and New Year so it would be nice to get people asking questions, telling you how they spent their Christmas, and what they’re most looking forward to in the new year.

Launch a countdown

Much like the countdown to the new year, why not set a clock on your website and push on social for the reveal of a new offer, product or service?

Will you be trying any new marketing tips for the new year? If you have any ideas you’d like to share be sure to pop them in the comments below and in the meantime have a fabulous Christmas and New Year!


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