Social Media Tips For Yoga Teachers

Social media can be intimidating…

And if you're a yoga teacher, you may feel even more unnerved by it.

The truth is that we all struggle with social media and how to approach it in an online world where the competition is fierce and ever-evolving. Navigating through this virtual world can be unsettling, but choosing to lead with authenticity and sincerity will make all the difference in the world.

If you take the first step in making yourself visible, chances are people will take notice—you will be discovered, and you'll find many golden marketing opportunities to meaningfully engage with your online audience and grow your yoga career.

Social media is free and easy to set up, so there's no reason not to try it out.

We've put together some tips to help you get started on the right foot!

Connect with your audience

Social media is not just about pushing out content, though that's an important part of it. It's also about communicating with your followers in a way that makes them feel like they can connect with you and understand what you're saying.

That means using simple language that ordinary people can understand (and not just academics). It means avoiding jargon, anatomical terms, and anything else that might get lost in translation.

Instead, work towards communication that strikes a chord with your audience, promises to build online connections & eventually aims to meet their needs & help them grow, learn & get inspired.

It's true that practice makes perfect—but don't be afraid to make mistakes! There are no shortcuts here; it takes time & commitment to get the hang of social media marketing.

Be The Real You!

The whole point of social media is to connect with people. And the best way to do that is by being yourself.

Don't try to ace picture-perfect handstands and advanced poses that everyone sees on social media. Let your feeds show that yoga is inclusive; anyone and everyone can choose to practice yoga

Your followers will appreciate it when you come from a space of empathy and commitment. Show your audience that you are fully invested in what inspires them most! Your real persona should resonate with the same vibe as your online persona!

Analyze your performance

Repeat after us! Your worth is not measured by the number of daily likes and comments you receive on Instagram.

In fact, if you're trying to grow your audience, it's actually more important to analyse your posts and content month after month so that you can understand which posts performed well and why.

By analysing this information, you'll be able to create better content that resonates with your audience and helps them engage with you on a deeper level.

Use Hashtags

Use hashtags! Searching for relevant hashtags can help you reach more people who might be interested in your work. Look up what other yoga teachers are using and try incorporating those into your own posts if you think they'll work for your audience. For example

#pregnancyoga #yogaeveryday #yogaforbeginners #yogamoves etc.

Education is key!

Educate your audience with impactful content that is authentic and designed to help them. Listen to their feedback and creatively utilise their responses in your online content.

Stay Consistent on Social Media

Social media is an excellent tool for yoga teachers and instructors. However, it can be a little overwhelming when you're just starting out with your new business.

First, start with a scheduling app like Later, Hootsuite or Buffer to help you plan your social media posts for the upcoming week. Don't post just to impress, but rather to connect with your target audience. Make time in your daily routine for meaningful, consistent engagements through stories, content, Live videos, and IGTV amongst others.

Final tip from us

You have to start somewhere.

And with online marketing, it's no different. It's tempting to think that you can start by doing everything at once and get it all perfect from the beginning. But the truth is, you'll learn so much more by starting small and taking tiny steps.

So if you're just getting started, take some time to create your Instagram account. Start there and then slowly graduate to Facebook. Make new mistakes, learn from them, and ask for help! You're not alone—we all make mistakes when we're learning something new. And we all need support sometimes too!

Once you've got those two platforms under your belt, it's time to start teaching and engaging with your students. Encourage reviews on Google & Facebook as much as you can because word of mouth is extremely important and powerful.

We are here to help!

So, you're a yoga and wellness business owner, and you're feeling like your current social media isn't getting the results you want. Or maybe you're wearing far too many hats to ensure that your yoga studio is being marketed proactively and efficiently.

We work with clients in the yoga and wellness industries to kickstart their marketing and provide ongoing support helping them to achieve the results they need and desire.

Educate your audience with impactful content that is authentic and designed to help them. Listen to their feedback and creatively utilise their responses in your online content.


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