6 Ways to provide an amazing client experience

6 ways to provide an amazing client experience

Do you want to know a secret?

Your client's experience starts from the very beginning and doesn’t end after the sale

Customer experience should be a top priority for businesses, and the reason is very simple! When you maintain client retention, you reduce client churn and therefore increase your profits! It has been proven that it is much more profitable to retain existing clients than it is to find new ones.

Think of it as a relationship. Providing an amazing client experience is a key ingredient to establishing a long-lasting relationship with clients that are built on a solid foundation of trust and mutual respect.

So, how do we create this amazing client experience? There are many ways of course and larger businesses will have a dedicated strategy in place just for ‘the client experience’, but here are 6 simple ways you can start to boost your client experience right now!

Always put the client first!

A common mistake businesses make is to focus all of their messaging and content around their own products and services. All the client sees is SELL, SELL, SELL! However, it is much more effective to lead with the client and centre any messaging around how you can help them, provide value and ultimately solve any of their pain points! It can help to take stock and map out your customer journey by putting yourself in their shoes. How much value is your social media marketing really providing? Is it helpful? Does your website answer any reservations or questions a new client might have? Your latest paid ad…What are you offering in exchange for their details?

Understand who your customer really is:

Have you ever heard of a client avatar or client persona? These are very much marketing terms, but they are pretty simple really! It is effectively creating a customer profile of your ‘ideal client’ down to a name, age, interests, where they go, what they do, what their interests are, and so on! Sounds a bit stalkerish’ but hear me out… This can help you to get very clear on WHO you are speaking to, which helps with your brand positioning, messaging and so much more. Understanding who your ideal client is will help you to be crystal clear on their needs, wants and desires and allow you to be truly customer-centric. And this is extremely powerful!

Add the human touch!

You’ve heard the phrase “it’s not what you say - it’s how you say it”?

Well, the best client experiences are achieved WHEN you create an emotional connection with your client. This is getting to know them, being empathetic and understanding of their needs, and gaining and proving trust and worth.

Customers are 3x times more likely to purchase and recommend your product or service if they have an emotional connection with your brand. And in 2022 - emotional connection is more important than ever.

Remember your USP (Unique selling proposition)

There are hundreds of hotels, financial advisors, aesthetics practitioners and marketing consultants, so why you? Sounds harsh, but remembering your unique selling proposition is what will really help you to stand out from the rest. However many businesses don't really truly understand their own USP, and so if you can uncover and use yours, you already have a major advantage!

Your USP plays to your strengths and should be based on what makes your brand or product uniquely valuable to your client’s needs, wants and desires. It should also shout exactly what makes you different from the rest!

Many businesses have gone onto niche into certain areas for this exact reason!

Focus on Value

Can you give too much away for free? Well, of course, there is a limit! But providing as much value as possible is very powerful.

Providing value upfront not only positions you as an expert in your field, but also helps to build trust and allows potential and current clients to get to know you better. WIN-WIN!

Feedback, feedback, feedback…

The feedback you do receive from your clients is vital to your success. Always look at ways to keep improving their experience. Regularly checking in with your clients not only shows that you care but also helps you to make any necessary changes that may be needed according to the feedback that will help improve their experience and that of other clients.


Don’t just settle on what you’ve always done.

Offering an amazing client experience will naturally create higher client satisfaction, which not only leads to retention but also the potential to upsell and cross-sell! And the main one - customer referral, creating a natural sales cycle for your business without you having to do too much!

Despite the importance of the digital world and its endless opportunities - word of mouth is still an amazing marketing tool for customer acquisition and saves A LOT of time and money which can only come from ‘an amazing client experience’ Once you have refined providing an outstanding client experience, your time and investment will pay off in so many ways.

Do you need help creating an amazing client experience for your business? I would love to help!

You can book your free discovery call by emailing me: hello@reachmarketingandsocial.com


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