5 Tips To Improve SEO On Your Squarespace Website

One of the most common questions I get asked as a Marketer and Squarespace Web Designer is “How can I increase my visibility in the search engines and Google?” And this is a really important question! 

After all, you want your website to actually get seen! If you can get inbound leads from search engine results and outrank the competition then that makes it even better! We all know that search engines such as Google are one of the first places people go to find what they want, need, or desire!

So what is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. This is “the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website from search engines to make it rank higher”.

As a small business owner, you have probably heard about the importance of SEO, but the phrase alone probably makes you want to have a panic attack and run for the hills! And I can’t lie, SEO can get technical depending on your industry, keywords, and of course the competition, but there are definitely things you can do to help and even outrank the competition with some simple steps! The good news is, Squarespace is already fantastic for having lots of built-in features that when utilized will help increase your site visibility - And this is one of the reasons why I love it!

So if you have asked the question. How can I increase my Squarespace site’s visibility in search engines? Then this blog is definitely for you!

I am going to share some of the simplest things you can do to hugely boost your SEO, including steps that helped me get to page 1 of Google for my chosen keywords.

Customised Site title and descriptions

The site title and descriptions are one of the main things that search engines will look at. It’s a good idea to include your company name and relevant keyword(s). Thankfully Squarespace page settings allow you to easily update your page titles, navigation titles, and page titles easily. You can add a site Title in the Design Panel. In Squarespace's Home Menu, click Design > Logo & Title. The Site Title and Description help search engines understand the general subject matter of your site. 

Optimize your images

This is one of the most underutilized things I have found when undertaking SEO optimization for my client’s Squarespace websites. As search engines cannot tell what an image is, they will refer to the text instead. 

Squarespace gives you the option to add image text, so instead of using the generic name of JPG_123 for example, you can instead rename a description of the image along with some naturally placed keywords. Images should also be 500kb or less in size to ensure optimum loading time. There are sites you can use to compress the size such as Tiny PNG

Include Keywords in your copy and headings

Naturally ensuring your website content is helpful, clear, concise, and full of keyword-rich phrases will help with your SEO ranking. As will using your Squarespace website’s built-in heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3) to structure your page and blog post content. Not only will this help with your SEO, but it will also provide a clear and enjoyable experience for your visitors.

Search Engine Description

Customizing your Squarespace search engine description can have an impact on how your site appears within Google search results, so it is important to add a clear, description about your company again with keywords placed naturally along the way.

Update your website consistently with content

Content is the biggest influencer for search engine optimization and the best way to create content in buckets?! Blogging! Allll the way! Blogging is one of the best ways to boost your SEO. You are showing the search engines that your website is active and regularly updated, it also increases the content on your website, so this makes it easier for the search engines to index (search) your site for relevant keywords. You can also specifically optimise your blogs for SEO in Squarespace easily, such as in your headings, tags, and categories.

I hope you found these tips helpful and should you implement them, that you start to see some amazing results very soon! If you already have a Squarespace website, but you don’t want to tackle SEO yourself, I offer an SEO Audit and/or SEO optimisation package. My most recent client has benefited from getting on page 1 of Google in the top spot for his chosen keywords! And I would love to do the same for you.

For a free 30-minute discovery chat to discuss your requirements, get in touch: hello@reachmarketingandsocial.com or submit your details on the form below.

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